Centralising Public Procurement – The Approach of EU Member States

By Willem Janssen

Dec 18, 2021

Marta Andhov and Willem Janssen contributed to the book Centralising Public Procurement – The Approach of EU Member States published by the European Procurement Law series and edited by Carina Risvig Hamer and Mario Comba.

The book investigates – from a comparative perspective – competition law and SMEs, economic and management perspectives, and centralised public purchasing during the COVID-19 pandemic within the sphere of CPBs and joint procurement. Chapters explore the use of procurement techniques and electronic instruments by CPBs and the liability and remedies perspectives of CPBs and their users. 

Marta, in collaboration with Roxana Vornicu, wrote a chapter titled “A comparative view of the use of procurement techniques and electronic instruments by central purchasing bodies” and Willem, in collaboration with M.A.J. Stuijts, wrote a chapter titled “Centralised Procurement in the Netherlands: A mixture of procurement autonomy, decentralization & diversified collaborative purchasing”.

If you feel like learning more about centralised purchasing bodies, Marta and Willem prepared a podcast for you that you can find here.

You can find your copy of the book by clicking the button below.

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