What We Do
At BESTEK, we provide a deep analysis of public procurement law while also providing simple breakdowns of the complex information for academics, lawyers, and procurement specialists/purchasers.
Our Approach
We believe that high-quality doesn’t need to mean pretentious or confusing. Because of this standpoint, all information on BESTEK is crafted in a welcoming yet professional manner that is easily digestible, relevant to multiple sectors, and available in multiple formats.
Our Mission
To make public procurement law accessible, inspiring, and – dare we say – fun.
Our ambition is to serve you public procurement law discussions and debates in a light-hearted and at times nerdy form. At BESTEK, you will gain insights into public procurement law, get inspiration, and find opportunities for ongoing training.
Our Podcasts
There are two Bestek Podcasts. One in Dutch and one in English. Both aim to improve the public procurement world.
The English Podcast mimics conversations about public procurement law that usually occur at the conference dinners after the formal parts of these events are over. In 2020, co-hosts Marta Andhov and Willem Janssen realised that perhaps the most intriguing public procurement conversations occur whilst having dinner and a glass of wine. They were even so bold to assume that others outside of the academic world might also be interested in those conversations.
The Dutch podcast was launched by Willem Janssen in January 2019. In 2021, Matanja Pinto joined as a co-host of the Dutch Podcast. In each episode, Willem and Matanja speak to academics, practicioners and public procurement professionals aiming to explore new insights and find innovative solutions for current problems.
Our Research
Research results often do not reach the place in which it matters the most. At BESTEK, we aim to make such findings accessible to the public procurement world. We provide a starting point for discussions between academics, attorneys, public officials, contracting officers, judges and policymakers through our articles on this website. We also publish our own research and share that with our visitors at BESTEK.
Recent News
#45 Duurzaam aanbestedingsrecht: Herijken van de interne markt voor overheidsopdrachten
In deze aflevering kunt u de oratie 'Duurzaam Aanbestedingsrecht: herijken van de interne markt voor overheidsopdrachten' van Willem naluisteren die hij op 13 december 2024 mocht uitspreken aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ter aanvaarding van zijn bijzonder...
Recent Podcasts
#45 Duurzaam aanbestedingsrecht: Herijken van de interne markt voor overheidsopdrachten
In deze aflevering kunt u de oratie 'Duurzaam Aanbestedingsrecht: herijken van de interne markt voor overheidsopdrachten' van Willem naluisteren die hij op 13 december 2024 mocht uitspreken aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ter aanvaarding van zijn bijzonder...
Something to Share?
Would you like us to discuss a particularly interesting topic, maybe a new case before the Courts or a legislative development? Maybe something is not really clear to you when it comes to public procurement law? Would you like to contribute to a blog post or get involved with our work? Do not hesitate to get in touch and let us know! We welcome your feedback, suggestion and tips on how to make Bestek the most relevant place for public procurement law.