Marta Andhov, Sciences Po, and Green Public Procurement

By Marta Andhov

Jun 20, 2021

In June 2021, Dr. Marta Andhov spoke on the Green Public Procurement panel that merged economic, legal, judicial, with both a European and American background. Marta spoke specifically on her most recent article on lifecycle costing.

See the agenda, other panelists, and watch the recorded video of the panel below!

During the Intensive Doctoral Week at Sciences Po in June 2021, Désirée Klingler, hosted a panel on Green Public Procurement and interviewed four speakers.

0:00 Introduction, Désirée Klingler (PhD University of St. Gallen)

3:45 Life Cycle Costing, Marta Andhov (Professor University of Copenhagen)

33:15 GPP in the Judiciary, Marc Steiner (Judge Swiss Federal Admin Court)

57:15 Auctions and GPP, Carine Staropoli (Professor Paris School of Economics)

1:17:41 Greenwashing, Steven Schooner (Professor GW University)

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