Green Transition in Public Procurement

By Marta Andhov

Mar 30, 2021

Associate Professor Marta Andhov and Assistant professor Dr. Willem Janssen participated in the Polish Public Procurement Law Association open-access webinar on “Green Transition in Public Procurement”, which was held on March 30, 2021, at 11:00 CET. 

Webinar agenda:

  • Welcome on behalf of the Public Procurement Law Association
  • EU provisions and case law on GPP – Associate professor, Dr Marta Andhov, University of Copenhagen
  • What’s on the horizon? The Future of Green Public Procurement requirements in the EU – Assistant professor, Dr Willem Janssen, Utrecht University
  • Interpretation of the link to the subject matter of the contract in practice – Dr Abby Semple, Public Procurement Analysis / Greenville Procurement Partners
  • What is the Status Quo of GPP in Poland? Professor Michal Kania, Silesian University
  • Discussion 

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