Associate Professor Marta Andhov received a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark for International Research stay at the University of Western Australia Law School. This grant will support her research efforts in the field of visual contracting in public procurement law.
Public procurement is often considered complex and cumbersome, which presents a challenge for both contracting authorities and private companies. Public servants in charge are not necessarily lawyers, and private companies often do not understand what is being asked of them. Visual contracts might be a solution that could solve this problem as visual contracts reinvent how users interface with contracts by being an innovative tool for transparent communication, building sustainable relationships preventing conflicts, and making the experience more user-friendly. Examining this innovative solution is essential to simplifying public procurement and, thus, more efficient use of taxpayers’ money.
During her research stay, Marta will benefit from the expertise and establish a strong international collaboration with UWA’s leading scholar in the field of visual contracting, Professor Camilla Andersen, who leads an innovative project Comic Book Contract project at the UWA.
The UWA Makers non-disclosure agreement, as a comic[1]