Marta Andhov held a presentation about “Transparency and Public Procurement Award Procedures” at the first SAPIENS Advanced Training Course (ATC)

By Marta Andhov

Sep 30, 2021

Associate Prof. Marta Andhov presented the different kinds of public procurement procedures under UNCITRAL Model Law and in the Directive 2014/24/EU (Public Sector Directive).

In cooperation with Prof. Trybus, she discussed the role and effects of the contract dynamics, the contracting authorities’ discretional actions, and the possibility of negotiation. After a thorough comparison of open and restricted procedures, they identified the scenarios in which more restricted procedures are to be used and the settings for which unrestricted and flexible public procurement is necessary.

In the Youtube video attached below, you can find her presentation recorded.


Procedures or methods

Procedures: UNCITRAL Model Law

Public Sector Directive 2014/24/EU

Simple competitive procedures

Open procedure

Complex procurement procedures

Justification grounds Art 26 Directive 2014/24/EU

Use of the negotiated procedure without prior publication ATE 32

Grounds justifying the usage of the negotiated procedure without prior publication

Case 20/10 & C-17/ Commission vs Germany

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