In this episode, Willem and Marta discuss visual contracting in the context of public procurement. Can it improve the contracting process? If so, how? They explore the potential of visual contracts and the possibilities to apply it in the public sector based on Marta’s forthcoming publication in PPLR. For dessert, they look at their best and worst presentations to share their learnings from them.
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#19 Calling off a Framework Agreement under a Framework Agreement & Criticism in Academia
In this episode, Marta & Willem discuss both the differences and analogies between framework agreements and public contracts. They delve into the national case law and highlight practical issues arising from this differentiation. For the dessert, they tackle the...
#18 Servitisation & public procurement: what role for the law? & Manels
In this episode, Willem and Marta discuss the role of public procurement law in the development towards more servitization. They also touch upon the problems that arise due to servitization trends and how to solve them. For dessert, they discuss all male panels in...
#17 Sustainable Public Procurement of Food & How to Track Research Progress?
In this episode, Marta and Willem discuss sustainable food procurement. They focus on current problems with food systems and the importance of food. Furthermore, they dig into the legal difficulties public procurers face when they attempt to buy sustainably. Some of...
#16 Competitive obligations outside the Classic Directive: the sale of land in the Dutch case of Didam
In this episode, Marta and Willem explore competitive obligations outside the Classic Directive. They focus on a recent Dutch Supreme Court case of Didam in which the equality and transparency principles were deemed to apply to the sale of land by a Dutch...